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Written by Parathan Thiyagalingam a learner and a Software developer from Sri Lanka

  1. March 14, 2021

    Relational Database Management System is working under main properties. Those properties abbreviated term is called as ACID. Before or after…

  2. June 15, 2020

    Have you ever wondered how big applications or software are working? Imagine while you are playing video games you may have seen some…

  3. April 11, 2020

    Deadlock is a condition where each process holding a resource and waiting to acquire a resource held by another process. According to the…

  4. August 08, 2019

    Object Oriented Programming is one of the most widely used programming paradigms. The name itself defines how it works. “Object Oriented…

  5. November 08, 2018

    6 hours ago, I was wondered what is Redux…?? Got confused & watched some YouTube videos & read some tutorials for 2–3 hours. Finally, I got…

  6. October 13, 2018

    Java Bean class is a Simple class that encapsulates many object in to a single object. Usually Bean contains the following conventions…

  7. October 04, 2018

    Hi, As I’m JS enthusiast; I love doing JavaScript developing due to its easiness & lot of people there to help. Today, I have came up to…

  8. October 02, 2018

    Hello, I’m newbie to Java world & so new to Spring Boot. So, I don’t have a prior experience with spring also. As a new one, I’m writing…

  9. September 27, 2018

    Hi, everyone. I’m learning the basic concepts of Java since last month. So, while I’m learning I did some example by my own. In future post…

  10. June 14, 2018

    The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers — A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Uki is a Tamil word which means a Catalyst for…